
TACCHO Committees

  1. Executive Committee

The ELT shall constitute the executive committee.

  1. Standing Committees

The Association shall have four standing committees, which shall assist the ELT in carrying out the management of the Association: The Nominations Committee, the Legislative Committee, Membership Committee and the Finance Committee.

Standing committees are beneficial to the organization in the manner that they allow for ongoing processes to continue with accuracy and consistency.

A standing committee may be formed in one of two ways: (A) by the ELT as a voted and approved measure or (B) by petition and at least majority approving opinion of the association membership.

Standing committees are intended to serve continually until their dissolution, if it ever becomes necessary. As such, a standing committee may be dissolved only by petition of and majority approval of the association membership.

Nominations Committee

The purpose of the Nominations Committee (NC) is to present a slate of candidates for the ELT to present to the membership for approval.

The Immediate Past-President will chair the NC. The NC will consist of three to five (3-5) individuals approved in majority opinion by the association membership. The NC must consist of at least one (1) member from each: small, medium and large jurisdiction, such classifications to be set criteria determined by the ELT.

Voting members may submit names of proposed candidates to the ED, who will present the ballot to all voting members to form the NC. NC members will serve for one year, and upon resubmission, may serve one additional one-year term.

The NC may meet only to review candidates to replace officers on the ELT and at no other time.

Public/Government Affairs Committee

The purpose of the Public/Government Affair Committee is to research, develop and evaluate TACCHO responses and recommended issues related to public health. An ELT member will Chair the committee.

Membership Committee

The purpose of the Membership Committee (MC) is to recruit and retain members for the association.

An ELT member will chair the Membership Committee (MC). The MC will consist of three to five (3-5) individuals approved in majority opinion by the association membership. The MC must consist of at least one (1) member from each: small, medium and large jurisdiction.

All voting procedures for the election of new officers shall take place at such a time and manner as determined by the NC to allow new officers to take office during the October annual meeting.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee (FC) is to provide advise the Executive Leadership Team in fiscal matters. Such matters may include at the discretion of the President: annual budget; policy and procedure; audits, fiscal monitoring and fiscal best practices.

The Vice-President shall serve as Chair. This committee shall be comprised of members appointed by the President and in consultation with the ELT. 

Additional Committees

The ELT may from time to time designate and appoint additional standing or temporary committees by majority vote of the ELT. Such committees shall have and exercise such prescribed authority as is designated by the ELT.